DOCS: Killed by Her Pen Pal Lover - Britain’s Darkest Taboos #5 ─ Barcroft TV

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In February 2006, 19-year-old Carly Fairhurst was killed by her boyfriend, convicted killer Darren Pilkington. Pilkington had already served time for killing a friend in 2000. At the age of 15 Carly began writing to 'Pilky', a friend of her brother's in jail. He murdered her within two years of coming out of prison. In this incredibly powerful story we reveal what happened and the impact Carly’s death has had on her family and friends. With exclusive access to home video footage of Carly, plus interviews with her parents Trevor and Sheila, we discover that she was a victim of domestic violence who suffered in silence and paid for it with her life. We also talk to her school friends who also became pen pals with prisoners and with the nurse who eventually switched off Carly’s life support machine. This is a story of the dangers of domestic abuse and the impact the death of a child has on a family. Expert analysis from Forensic psychologist Dr Keri Nixon and psychologist Emma Kenny, gives us an insight into the mind of her killer, Darren Pilkington.


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