A positive home birth labour and delivery story!
Our first week with baby - http://bit.ly/2DTQHxF
My NEW Book - * http://amzn.to/2nrFlGI
So, I'm now a huge advocate for home births! Compared to my previous hospital birth, this was a LOT more relaxed, uncomplicated and positive. I forgot to mention that in this birth I had minimal blood loss (approx 150ml compared to 1.5l with my first!), was upright and chatty minutes after (compared to being woozy and confused last time) and despite having two small first degree tears, have not required stitches as the tears will heal naturally (not the case with my first delivery). I'm not a medical professional and would never say, 'HAVE A HOME BIRTH' to any woman because it's not my place but what I would say is, 'Look into the option of a home birth and consider if it's for you'. I never thought I'd be the kind of woman to do hypnotherapy or have a home water birth, I always thought it was all a bit airy fairy but I was wrong and have MUCH preferred this route! YAY!
Siobhan's Channel with free hypnobirthing videos - http://bit.ly/2BFMjNt
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Robin Wilde - http://louisepentlandnovel.com/
***PO Box***
(this is strictly for business/PR. If you are a viewer, please do NOT send gifts because I'd like you to spend your pennies on yourself. Cards and letters are welcome)
FAO Louise Pentland
Gleam Futures
6 Floor, 60 Charlotte Street
Business Contact - [email protected]
About Me ::
Hi, I'm Louise! I started this channel in 2009 after readers of my blog (also called Sprinkle of Glitter) suggested I give YouTube a try. I was instantly hooked and have found my internet playground on here. I make videos about beauty & fashion, positive living, motherhood, lifestyle and occasionally have special guests (friends, kittens or my sweet Daughter Darcy). Hit the subscribe button to never miss a video again!
I try to upload every Wednesday and Sunday!
I chat every day on my other social media (linked above) so do come and say hi!
Big hugs,
Louise xxx
* Links with a "*" are affiliate links. This means I may receive a revenue from clicks and purchases on these links. It does not cost you anything and if you feel uncomfortable using the links you can always open a new tab and google it yourself, no pressure xxx
Positive Home Birth Story! | MOTHERHOOD ─ Sprinkleofglitter

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