DOCS: From Romania With Love ─ Barcroft TV

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In 1990 Romania, the world was stunned by what was revealed: images of orphanages of starving, freezing, unloved children suffering shocking untold misery. Crammed into small rooms, bed-bound on rotting stained mattresses, they were closeted away from the society and often malnourished. Many of them in fact were not orphans, but had been placed in the institutions by the desperately poor families who had been forced to have more children than necessary as part of Nicolae Ceausescu's insane population building policy. The scandal of the Romanian Orphans prompted hundreds of British couples to adopt Romanian babies, giving them new lives in Britain. Now, twenty years on, three of these orphans, who have grown up in the UK, have decided that they're ready to try to trace the parents who gave them away.

CREDIT: All3Media
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