Official music video of Mesut Kurtis's new song "Balaghal Ula", from his new album "Balaghal Ula". Directed by Idris Kheder. Filmed in Kairouan - Tunisia, in its old city and in the Great Mosque of Kairouan.
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Verse Lyrics: Ahmed Al-Yafie | Chorus Lyrics: Saadi Shirazi
Melody: Ameen Hameem | Arrangement: Emre Mogulkoç
Recording, Mixing & Mastering: Emrah Mogulkoç |
Director: Idris Kheder | Executive Producer: Bara Kherigi
Special Thanks: Fondation Kairouan
"Balaghal Ula" Lyrics:
كم عِشتُ والشوقُ بي
I've always been longing,
أَهْوى حبيبي النبي
In love with my Beloved Prophet
مُذْ كنتُ طفلاً صَبيّ
Since I was a little child
قلبي و رُوحي فِداه
May my heart and soul be sacrificed for his sake
بلغَ العُلى بكمالِه
He attained exaltation by his perfection
كشفَ الدُجى بِجمالِه
He dispelled darkness by his beauty
حَسُنَتْ جميعُ خِصالِه
Beauteous are all his qualities
صلُّوا عليهِ و آلِه
Benediction be on him and on his family
هو سيِّدي المُصْطفى
He is my master, the Chosen One
هو قُدوَتي وكَفَى
He is my role model and that's enough for me
هو مَن غَدا ذِكْرهُ
He is whose praise has become...
لَحنًا بِكلِّ الشِّفاهْ
A melody on all lips
لَو مَرَّ في مَسْمَعِي
Whenever I hear his name...
طه جرَتْ أَدْمُعِي
"Taha", my tears begin to flow
وَفَاضَ شَوْقِي لَهُ
Ad my longing for him becomes more than I can bear
وَحَلَّ في أَضْلُعِي
And (his love) nestles deep within my being
مَلأتَ قَلبي فِدا
You filled my heart with sacrifice
وأَنَرْتَ دَرْبي هُدى
And you lightened my path with your guidance
وكُنتَ لي سَيّدي
You have always been for me, O my master...
نورًا أضاءَ المَدى
A light that illuminates the furthest horizons
It is said that when Sheikh Saadi Shirazi (1210-1292) started writing his most famous Rubai (quatrain) in praise of the Prophet ﷺ, he couldn't come up with a satisfactory fourth and final verse which troubled him greatly. While working on it, he slept. In his dream, he saw the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ along with his companions. He asked Saadi why he looked troubled. Saadi replied that he didn't know how to finish his Rubai. The Prophet ﷺ asked him to recite it for him. So he did:
"Balaghal ula bikamalihi
Kashafad duja bijamalihi
Hasunat jamee'u khisalihi"
(He attained exaltation by his perfection
He dispelled darkness by his beauty
Beauteous are all his qualities)
The Prophet ﷺ added the final verse by reciting:
"Sallu alayhi wa Aalihi."
(Benediction be on him and on his family)
Therefore, according to this account, this Rubai, written by Sheikh Saadi, was completed by Prophet Muhammad ﷺ himself.
This music video was filmed in the town of Kairouan (القيروان) in Tunisia, a UNESCO World Heritage town, and in its Great Mosque (جامع القيروان الأكبر), also known as the Mosque of Uqba ibn Nafi' (جامع عقبة بن نافع). The city of Kairouan, Tunisia, has long been the Maghreb's most ancient and holiest city with a long spiritual and scholarly heritage. The Great Mosque was established in the year 49 Hijri, 670 AD, only 38 years after the passing of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), and is one of the oldest places of worship in the Islamic world.
At the time of its greatest splendor, between the 9th and 11th centuries AD, Kairouan was one of the greatest centers of Islamic civilisation and scholarship in the entire Maghreb. During this period, the Great Mosque of Kairouan was both a place of prayer and a prestigious university with a large library containing a vast number of scientific and theological works, becoming the most remarkable intellectual, spiritual and cultural centre in North Africa.
Besides being an important centre for Islamic scholarship and Quranic learning, it also hosted various courses in subjects such as mathematics, astronomy, medicine and botany, with prominent scholars and scientists such as Imam Sahnun in Islamic Maliki Jurisprudence, al-Kindi in mathematics, and ibn al-Jazzar in medicine, thereby attracting a large number of Muslims from various parts of the world, next only at the time to Makkah and Medina.
Awakening Music is a subsidiary of the UK-based Deventi Group that has operational offices in both United States of America (USA) and Egypt. Awakening Music currently represents: Mesut Kurtis (Macedonia), Maher Zain (Sweden), Raef (USA), and Humood (Kuwait). (Previously Sami Yusuf, Harris J & Hamza Namira among others). © Awakening Music 2019
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Mesut Kurtis - Balaghal Ula (Music Video) | مسعود كُرتِس - بلغ العُلى ─ Awakening Music

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