Raef - Land Of Light (Official Music Video) ─ Awakening Music

Official music video of "Raef - Land Of Light" from Raef's Sophomore album "Mercy". Listen/Download Mercy "Album": https://ampl.ink/7QeDa

#RaefMercyAlbum #Ramadan2019 #Ramadan #MuslimRock #MuslimCountryMusic
Connect with Raef:
Website: http://www.RaefMusic.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/RaefMusic
Twitter: http://twitter.com/RaefMusic
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Website: http://www.awakening.org
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"Land Of Light" Lyrics:

Berjalan jalan di tanah yang indah
(Walking around in a beautiful land)
Tempat aku mendapat sahabat erat
(A place where I found a close friend)
Berjalan jalan di tanah yg damai
(Walking around in a peaceful land)
Tempat aku mendapat cahaya..
(A place where I received the light)
You've blessed my soul
Mengenal dirimu
(Knowing all of you)
Hijau gunung putih pantai
(Green mountain, white beaches)
Home away from home

Fly away,
diatas awan
(Above the clouds)
Everywhere I go I feel
Your smiles and your peace

Ujung Sabang serambi Makkah
(From the edges of Sabang to the terrace of Makkah [Aceh])
Ujung Jawa hingga ke Bali
(From the edges of Java to Bali)
In the land of light
Danau Toba, lalu Toraja
(Lake Toba, and Toraja)
Jogjakarta, lalu Jakarta
(Jogjakarta, and Jakarta)
In the land of light

Bermalam malam di kota yang indah
(All night long in a beautiful city)
Tempat aku menetap sejenak
(A place where I hang out)
All night..

You've blessed my soul
Mengenal dirimu
(Knowing all of you)
Hijau gunung putih pantai
(Green mountain, white beaches)
Home away from home


I'll remember forever all the love you shared with me
You've made our world better
Shining light that we need!


Tanah Padang, ramainya Medan
(The land of Padang, cozy Medan)
Halo Bandung, indahnya Lampung
(Hello Bandung, beautiful Lampung)
Masjid Kudus dan Surabaya
(Kudus Mosque and Surabaya)
And all my people in Indonesia
In the land of light

Written by Hery Cahyo Purnomo & Raef
Producer: Capung

Awakening Records is a subsidiary of the UK-based Awakening Worldwide that has operational offices in both United States of America (USA) and Egypt. Awakening Records currently represents: Raef (USA), Maher Zain (Sweden), Mesut Kurtis (Macedonia), and Humood (Kuwait). (Previously Sami Yusuf, Harris J & Hamza Namira among others).
© Awakening Records 2019

#raef #raefmusic #raefthelandoflight #raeflol

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