The Quickest Giant Chocolate Chip Cookie You Will Ever Make! | Nadiya's Time To Eat - BBC ─ BBC

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Think you haven't got time to bake - think again! Nadiya's mouthwatering bakes can be rustled up in no time at all.

Nadiya Hussain comes to the rescue with her time-saving kitchen tips, to make sure that everyone has more time to spend doing the things they love, with the people they love.

In the sixth episode of the series, Nadiya shares her favourite recipes for when she wants to whip up something sweet and delicious, but deceptively simple. After all, when life is really hectic there are times when we all need to spoil ourselves with an indulgent treat, but that doesn't have to mean spending hours in the kitchen.

Nadiya teaches us how to save time baking, by ditching the oven and fry up a giant cookie in a frying pan instead.

Nadiya Time to Eat | Series1 Episode 6 | BBC

#BBC #NadiyaTimetoEat #NadiyaHussian

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