This Video Is So Important.. (COPPA) ─ DanTDM

I have spent the last wekk compiling everything about COPPA and the way it will affect both YouTube and its creators. See below for the key points if you want to go straight to a certain section of the video.

What Is COPPA? : 01:24
Why are Creators Panicking? and Fines : 02:44
My Call with the FTC : 05:38
The FTC Don't Want GOTCHA Campaigns : 05:53
Adding a Disclaimer Doesn't Cover You : 06:39
Mixed Audiences : 07:42
FTC Says YouTube is our 3rd Party Data Collector : 09:15
FTC DIDN'T Force YouTube to block comments and notifications : 10:13
Parents Should Be Responsible : 10:57
The Main Issue with COPPA : 12:09
The Solution (IMPORTANT) : 15:02

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