Live Stream Montage 9 - "Squiggly-box!" ─ stampylonghead

Donate to Fight The fires -

Where is the money going?
The money donated through the #FightTheFires relief fund will be divided between the New South Wales Rural Fire Service, WIRES and Australian Red Cross.

The Australian Bushfire crisis is responsible for the destruction of more than 1,300 houses and up to half a BILLION wildlife. With more than 8.4M hectres of our beautiful country being burnt (as of the 7th of January), it’s time to #FightTheFires together! We are asking the community to come together, activate their followers and raise a goal of $1,000,000 for the Aussie bushfires. The movement and relief fund will be ongoing as long as the bushfires and affected communities require our support.

This video is a montage of highlights from my live streams.

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